Rimtex Trolleys helps your textile spinning mill stay organised

Textile Spinning Mill Trolley manufacturer
Rimtex manufactures multifunctional trolleys that has diverse applications in Textile Spinning Industry. Rimtex has deep understanding of material handling which gives it an edge over other manufacturers of similar trolleys. These trolleys also have utility in Pharmaceuticals as well as Automobile industries.
In Yarn manufacturing facility, storage and transportation of goods in process and finished goods is of great significance. Imperfect handling at this stage can hugely affect the quality of final output.
Key functions of Rimtex HDPE Textile Trolleys
- Transfer material from Speed Frame to Ring Frame
- From Ring Frame to Auto Coner
- From Auto Coner to YCP
- From YCP to Packing
The Trolleys are made in a way to prevent any damage to Yarns during these movements. Most of the Textile Mills do not have any automation in material handling. In this cases Intra-Facility material handling takes up greater importance. A lot of wastage of material and labour occurs to carry out this function. Rimtex has created solutions to help mills become efficient with their existing machines. Rimtex has developed Auto Coner attachment trolley that can be adjusted to machines by Savio, Schalfhorst and Muratec machines.
Main advantages of Rimtex textile Trolleys
- Minimum hand touch to yarn
- Can be directly used in Auto-Doffing Ring Frame to Winding
- Increases Efficiency of Worker due to spring system
- With capacity of 1800 bobbins, Rimtex Auto Doffing Trolley saves a lot in labour cost
Apart from this, Rimtex also manufactures Trolleys for Flyer Bobbin movement and trolleys to transport all kinds of cone during steaming and humidifying. All in all, the best way to stay organised is to opt for Rimtex Multi Functional Trolleys for material handling functions.