Which Spinning Can should a quality seeking Spinner choose?

Spinning Process
Spinning is an intricate process. Converting raw fibre into yarn involves multitude of steps, each being prone to imperfections. Smallest of imperfection at this stage has exponential impact on the Yarn quality, leading to irreversible defects to yarn.
Quality of Yarn
Times have changed, and world over consumers are demanding better and better fabric that is trendy, suits their mood and makes them feel more comfortable. And all these at very affordable prices. Consequently, designers, boutiques and big labels are demanding such fabric from mills, also at very competitive prices. Mill Owners, in turn, demand superior quality Yarn, and Yarn demands better quality Sliver. Hence, looking at market needs for quality yarn, spinners are installing new hi-tech spinning machines and best quality cotton.
However, the fact remains that only machines do not make superior quality Yarn. Because best quality spinning machinery has to be complimented by best systems to handle Sliver. And Sliver is the basic raw material of Yarn. Imperfections generated in sliver in course of its handling are passed over in yarn making without knowing.
Choose Best Spinning Cans
With new Hi-tech Spinning Machines and best of cotton at disposal, the best Yarn quality still demands a correct Spinning Cans. The imperfect sliver handling causes more imperfections in the Yarn. Like, stretch of sliver causes long thin places, accumulation of sliver causes fibres migration, long thick places and neps. It contributes in causing more of Yarn breaks and lot more hairiness.
With Rimtex Spinning Cans it is possible to achieve great Yarn results. Rimtex has studied the issue of Sliver Quality control very closely and developed highly sophisticated Spinning Cans. They are available in different customised options to suit diverse spinning and budgetary needs. These enables spinners to spin a better Yarn with minimal imperfections caused due to incorrect Spinning Can.
With the additions of new and very sensitive models of Spinning Cans, the spinners are happy to see the benefits of it in the yarn parameters spun by them. With Rimtex Spinning Cans, spinners are surely confident of spinning yarn with better parameters.
With changing times, sophistication of Spinning Machines have increased the responsibilities of Spinning Cans. Rimtex has accepted the challenge of making Spinning Cans, that take full responsibility of retaining maximum Sliver qualities and properties, as produced by the machine, during collecting, storing, transporting and discharging Sliver for further operations.